The Payoff
To love is to take risk.
As often as not love is painful
But when love pays off, boy does it payoff.
Over/Under Results
Winning the OU Over/Under is a bit of a special honor and Art Zeitz—he of the understated post game smile—was the victor this week with eight correct answers. Art has been a solid player for several years and I believe this was his third career victory. Greg Swan, Dan Yoxall, David Frink, and Helen Frink tied for second with seven correct.
It was an interesting contest this week. There were fewer entries than any contest in the last 14 extending back to last year. Perhaps there was a loss of interest after 50-7. The other thing that was interesting was the consistency of the answers contestant to contestant. The scores were tightly bunched between five and eight correct. There were two questions everyone got right, two questions that 10 of 12 got right and 3 questions that 9 of 12 got wrong. I think most of the contestants had very similar expectations as to how the game would progress and which team would win.